Is Betancourt’s B-Nox Testosterone Boosting Pre-Workout The New King?

There’s no need to get into why so many supplement reviews suck. Everyone knows they’re not real, the person writing it uses generic pics, generic words and gives a generically positive rating.

We explained most in more detail in our “Why 90% of Supplement Reviews Really Aren’t That Helpful” post. Skinny Yoked is different.

We ONLY review products that we’ve used ourselves, hence the “firsthand” in the title.[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B01FY7RXRG” locale=”US” nf=”y” src=”” tag=”skinyoke-20″ width=”461″]

Up for today we have a real review that we hope will actually be of use to you if you are planning to try a new pre-workout and are comparing B-Nox Androrush by Betancourt Nutrition against it’s competitors like ON’s Gold Pre, Nitraflex by GAT (read full review here) Pre Jym or any other “fully loaded” pre-workout mix.

New Name; Same Great Test-boosting PWO

First of all, when searching on Amazon or you may see two different types of Bullnox.

This is because the old name for this supplement was Bullnox Androrush which they’ve now shortened to just “B-Nox”. So the question of B-Nox vs Bullnox is a false one; they are the same thing.

The label also got a new more fresh design. Both are still being sold though and they’re the same thing, so if you can find the old one at a discount price, pick it up!

As you can see from the label, B-Nox is not just your average run-of-the-mill pre-workout.

It also bills itself as a full functioning “Testosterone Igniter”. This makes sense giving their raging bull branding.

No products found.

Obviously, the only way to significantly increase your testosterone levels is with steroids. If you DON’T know your current testosterone levels it’s worth getting those measured. You can either go to your doctor or get a home test kit mailed to you. Either way it’s important to make sure you’re T-levels are healthy otherwise you could be spinning your wheels in the gym.

To maintain your natural LEVELS of test you simply need to eat healthy whole foods, get a good amount of sleep (8+ hours if you’re a natural bodybuilder), reduce stress and stay active, at least that’s what the doctors (Webmd) say.

B-Nox Ingredients

Still, that’s not to say the added ingredients here aren’t appreciated or that they don’t provide some added benefit. I mean common, who doesn’t love a little horny goat weed once and a while eh?

bnox androrush ingredients

Overall we love the design of the product. It’s clean, professional, and comes in a substantially large tub with a huge scoop.

This is not a pre-workout concentrate like Musclepharm Assault Black or O.N Pre-Gold. No, this is a full pre-workout igniter and test booster all in one!

This means it’s not just about providing the essential BCAA dosing, some caffeine and maybe some creatine and beta-alanine.

No, this badboy is packed full of vasodilators, muscle supporting minerals and energy sustaining plant derived compounds like beet root extract (a proven vasodilator), tribulus (testosterone support) and black pepper extract also called “Bioperine” (kickstart thermogenisis).

On top of that factor in this has 3 forms of creatine, a solid dosing of endurance-boosting beta-alanine (read our in-depth guide to this popular supplement here) in the form of Carnosyn, Glutamine, Co-Enzyme Q10 and ZMA and you start to realize just how much sh*t is packed into this stuff!

The addition of ZMA is particularly interesting as many bodybuilders stack this supplement alone for improved sleep quality and muscle repair during sleep.

What does this mean for you? It means you can save money by not having to buy 3 different types of pre-workout powders (your energy mix, your creatine powder and your nitric oxide/vasodilator mix) and instead can just throw down for one tub of this magical stuff.

Look below at how Bullnox stacks up against other pre-workout types. You are literally getting 4 supplements all in one, which helps justify the massive scoop size (double normal pre-workouts) as well as the slightly higher total price.

bnox ingredient profile

How Well Does It Mix?

Some people roll their eyes at the mixing question, but for us it’s a pretty important factor.

We don’t always have a spare clean shaker bottle to do super thorough pre-workout blending.

Furthermore, we like blending our pre-workouts with fruit juices in the morning for early-morning gym sessions, or with Gatorade for added electrolytes in late day workouts.

Being able to spoon-stir a pre-workout is just nice and definitely worth covering.

androrush reviewed

Thankfully, given how much stuff is actually in B-Nox, it mixes surprisingly well.

It wasn’t perfect, like O.N’s Amino Energy, we suspect this may be due to Amino Energy being super-fine (micronized) vs B-Nox which was a more course powder.

Overall it mixed good enough and the little bits at the bottom were swallowed with a little bit of extra water.

Sure, in a perfect world these clumps wouldn’t exist but whatever, no big deal.

How Does It Taste?

Pretty f*ckin good to be honest. We haven’t had many bad tasting pre-workouts though..(besides EAN’s Myoenergy which tastes like a Barney the Dinosaur playdough fart) they usually have some moderately fruity flavor and acidic sour taste.

B-Nox is available in 7 different flavors, including the perennial favorites like watermelon, grape, fruit punch, blue razz etc.

Like most pre-workouts they always taste better when mixed with ice cold water vs room temperature water.

Also, given how much stuff is packed into this stuff and how big the scoops are, you’re going to need a FULL glass of water, none of that glass-half-full b.s.

How Was The Energy?

Energy was good. Definitely hits and hits pretty hard. Pre-workouts are usually taken on an empty stomach to increase absorption rates (and who wants to workout on a full stomach) but this stuff is pretty powerful even with food in the stomach.

A few times in the afternoon we needed to drink a little extra water to keep ourselves from burping it up (on leg day naturally), but overall it wasn’t bad.

Compared to our regular everyday go-to pre-workout Amino Energy by O.N, the energy was definitely more intense.

However it was never “too” intense and we never felt jittery. We suspect this is because the caffeine content was kept at or below 200mg per serving.

The closest energy/focus comparable preworkout would actually something like a red or green strain of kratom. Think more slow burning focus than fire-up-your-ass energy storm.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01FY80XRW” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” src=”” tag=”skinyoke-20″ width=”500″]

We don’t like companies that go extreme on the caffeine like 250, 300mg per serving, it is just too much, causes jitters which distracts from forming a solid mind-muscle connection and only serve to increase your caffeine tolerance/threshold to higher and higher levels to the point where you can’t operate normally without boatloads of the stuff.

No, B-Nox get’s it right with the energy formula, enough to kick you in the pants but not enough to make you feel like a tweaking meth-head on shrooms.

Leg and back days come close to two hours in length, and chest, shoulders, arms are usually a bit shorter and B-Nox helped us maintain a solid focus with plenty of energy for both workout types.

How Were The Gains?

It’s hard to say for sure with just testing one jug of the stuff, and we were also supplementing with O.N creatine pills, Opti-men vitamins, O.N Gold Standard Whey and The Beef Standard beef protein also by Betancourt.

Check out our full review of The Beef Standard, the best all-beef protein powder on the market and perfect companion to B-Nox.

We used B-Nox in combination with the above mentioned supplements for a full month of bulking and added around 6 pounds of mass during that time.

Obviously much was water but we definitely felt this pre-workout contributed to A. sustained, brutal workouts, and B. muscle building support with BCAAs, ZMA, and creatine

In summary, B-Nox is a great “full service” pre-workout for the price. It’s a truly all-encompassing product with it’s unique inclusion of Bioperin, ZMA and Q10, which we don’t see all that much of in other competing products.

You save money with this stuff because you don’t have to purchase the ZMA, Q10, Creatine or Nitric Oxide Booster supplements separate, they’re all included.

On a scale of 1-10 we’d rate B-Nox a solid 8.5. Minus the non-diluted chunks at the bottom and the “propriety blends” it would have been a perfect 10.

Seriously, proprietary blends are like zuba pants and walkmans.. people expect more these days.

Betancourt, if you’re listening, go transparent with B-Nox like you do with The Beef Standard (no collagen, no gelatin). Your fans respect and appreciate this and you’re other supplements will be better off for the openness in 2016 and beyond.

What Are The Side Effects?

Recently there was some controversy about the safety of B-Nox after popular chemical analysis website Labdoor published a review of their top PWO and listed B-Nox at the bottom of the safety list (ranking dead last actually).

This quickly fueled unsubstantiated rumors on online forums and social media about Betancourts PWO not being safe, and even having cancer causing side effects.

This is a bunch of bull. If you read the actual Labdoor review you will see their biggest issue is the use of artificial coloring, specifically Blue 1, Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6.

It is NOT because of the test boosting or energetic components of the drink, it is simply because of the use of artificial coloring. This is ridiculous though as 80% of PWOs on the market use some form of artificial coloring.

Still, if you ARE hypersensitive to artificial colors then maybe this supplement is not for you and you’d be better off looking for a more natural product, like High Volume from PEScience for example.

Best Place To Buy/Cheapest Prices

Bullnox is available via all big supplement retailers, however prices can vary so it makes sense to shop around a bit.

You can find it on Amazon, on and even at GNC, although you’ll always pay more at GNC since they jack up the retail price on all of their supplements.

supplement prices*Pro Tip: If you sign up for Betancourt’s email list you can get notified about future sales and discounts.

Likewise, if you regularly check and you will eventually see Betancourt offer discounts on all of their products so you can snatch up a jug and give it a shot yourself!

Last update on 2025-02-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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