Sex: Male
Profession: Bodybuilder
But what else do we know about Jeff Seid, the man, the myth and the legend?
Born in ‘94.
Weighs 205lbs.
Deadlifts 515.
Squats 435.
Bench 350.
Youngest IFBB Pro in history.
It’s time to learn how to Shred like Seid.
You DO Know About Jeff Seid Right?
Jeff Seid took off on the internet back in around 2011. The guy got big on social media and underground sites (you know the ones) with nothing but crappy gym shots taken on a mobile phone.
Fast forward to 2017 and he’s got legit bodybuilding titles, pro photoshoots, features, and major paydays.
Rumors on the internet are that Seid’s sponsorship deals, website, personal training and fitness modeling is helping him pull in $70k per month.
Even if it’s not that much in reality, the dude is getting paid for being shredded and the wild lifestyle that comes with it.

“He’s just a glorified fitness model, not a real bodybuilder,right?” Wrong.
Check his competition record:
- 2013 Jr. Nationals Men’s Physique Tall Class and Overall Winner
- 2013 IFBB Pro Wings of Strength Men’s Physique 2nd Place
- 2013 IFBB Pro Valenti Gold Cup Men’s Physique Winner
- 2013 Mr. Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Participant
- 2012 NPC Vancouver & Tanji Johnson Classic Men’s Physique – Tall Class and Overall Winner
- 2012 NPC Emerald Cup Men’s Physique – 2nd place
- 2012 Southern States Championships Men’s Physique – Tall Class and Overall Winner
- 2012 WA State Championships Men’s Physique – Tall Class and Overall Winner
- 2012 NPC USA’s Championships – Men’s Physique Class D 5th Place
- 2012 IFBB North American Championships – Men’s Physique Class B 2nd Place
How many 21 year old guys you know with a wrap sheet like that? Zero. That’s how many.
So in this article, we’re gonna show you how to get stacked and cut like Seid, including diet, training, and getting your mindset right.
The Shred Like Seid Diet
Let’s start with a note on supps. While we all know what Zyzz used as “supps” (let’s be clear, he used protein and stuff as well, but that guy juiced), Jeff said in a YouTube video he’s natural, and that aesthetics is all about looking good, and acne-scarred backs look like s***t.
So that’s his opinion. We’re not saying anything about that, but Seid vouches for natural aesthetics. He’s trained since he was like 12 years old, so maybe we can buy that.

On Seid lists his supps as Animal Pak, Chromium, Vitamin C, ZMA, Creatine, BCAA, Hemo Rage, Glutamine, and Mass Gainer.
That’s about what you’d expect from a pro, but you’re gonna have to trim the budget. I’m guessing you won’t have the money for $30 on supplements a day, 7 days a week.
Cut out the pre-workout Hemo Rage, go for a black coffee. Skip the Animal Pak, take a regular multivitamin. Keep the creatine, keep a mass gainer, or if you’re too poor for that then eat big.
If you can’t afford to eat big, then you’d better find a different hobby, coz this one won’t work for you.
Sample Diet Plan
“I would be nowhere if it wasn’t for diet” – Said Seid
Fair comment. If you want to be an Adonis like Seid, you’ve got to put nutrition first. Seid trains year round – no bulks or cuts.
So no hitting KFC and then whining “But I’m dirty bulking brah”. That’s not going to fly in Seid’s training camp.
Meal 1
Oats (1-1 ½ Cups / 340g)
Banana (1)
Egg beaters (1 cup / 170g)
Meal 2
Mass Gainer
2% Milk (16oz / 473ml)
Flaxseed Oil 1tbsp
Meal 3
Chicken/Turkey/Fish (170 – 225g / 6-8oz)
Brown Rice (1 ½ cup / 340g)
Green Beans / Broccoli (2 cups / 470g)
Meal 4
Mass Gainer
2% Milk (16oz / 473ml)
Flaxseed oil1tbsp
1pc fruit (optional)
Meal 5
Chicken/Turkey/Fish (170 – 225g / 6-8oz)
Brown Rice (1 ½ cup / 300g)
Green beans / Broccoli (2 cups / 470g)
Meal 6 (Post WO)
Mass Gainer
2% Milk (16oz / 473ml)
Flaxseed Oil 1tbsp
Meal 7
Cream of Rice (113g / ½ cup)
Banana (1)
Meal 8 (before bed)
Casein protein (2 scoops)
Complex Carbohydrate Powder (3 scoops)
Damn that’s a lot of food. But notice it’s all clean, healthy food. Vegetables, some optional fruit, and complex carbs like brown rice along with a truckload of protein and some supps for good measure.
*Bear in mind this guy makes it his life. If you want to look exactly like Seid, then you’d better do that too. Otherwise, you’d better follow this as closely as you can and adjust for your level and training goals. And no Dunkin’Donuts.
Seid’s Training Schedule – Muscle Shock and Supersets
Seid switches it up a lot, saying he wants to keep his muscles in a state of panic.
Jeff hits up high reps at first declining to low reps, so we’re talking supersets of 10x8x8x6. Not your standard reps. Here’s an example of Seid’s workout:
*The videos aren’t the same workouts as what is written. The written workouts were researched from interviews with Seid. The videos are more recent and provide an alternative routine for the targeted muscle groups listed. Keep them muscles confused and growing!
Day 1: Chest/Calves/Abs
– Barbell incline bench 4 sets 10x8x8x6 reps
– Incline dumbbell flyes 4 sets 10x8x8x8 reps
– Dumbbell bench press 4 sets 10x8x8x6 reps
– Butterfly 4 sets 10x8x8x8 reps
– Upper cable crossover 3 sets 12x10x8 reps
– Lower cable crossover 3 sets 12x10x8 reps
Working sets
– Decline bench press 3 sets to failure
– Dips 3 sets to failure
– Standing calf raises 2 sets 100, 75 reps
– Donkey calf raises 2 sets 50, 25 reps
15 min – Free choice.
Day 2: Legs
– Barbell squat 5 sets, 10x8x8x6 reps
– Front barbell squat 2 sets 10×8 reps
– Hack squat 3 sets 10x8x8 reps
– Lying leg curls 3 sets 10x8x8 reps
Normal set
– Leg press 3 sets 10x8x8 reps
Day 3: Bi/Tri/Abs
Biceps and Triceps
– Barbell curl 4 sets 12x10x8x6 reps
– Standing overhead triceps extension (barbell) 4 sets 12x10x8x8 reps
Preacher curl 3 sets 10 reps
Lying triceps press 3 sets 10 reps
Reverse barbell curl 3 sets 10 reps
One arm dumbbell triceps extension 2 sets 10 reps
Incline dumbbell curl 2 sets 10 reps
Lying close-grip barbell triceps extension 2 sets 10 reps
Concentration curls 2 sets 15 reps
Dumbbell one-arm triceps extension 2 sets 12 reps
15 minutes free choice
Day 4: Abs/Back
Barbell deadlift 3 sets 10x8x6 reps
Bent over barbell row 4 sets 12x10x8x8 reps
Wide grip chin-up 4 sets 10 reps
Seated cable rows 2 sets of 10, 8 reps
Wide grip chin up 4 sets 10 reps
Lying T-bar row 3 sets 12x10x8
Wide-grip lat pulldown 3 sets 10x8x8
15 minutes free choice
Day 5: Shoulders
Front dumbbell Raise 3 sets 10 reps
Side lateral raise 3 sets 10 reps
Seated bent-over rear delt raise 3 sets 10 repsTriset
Standing barbell press behind neck 2 sets 10×8 reps
Cable seated lateral raise 2 sets 8 reps
Dumbbell lying rear lateral raise 2 sets 8 repsNormal sets
Upright barbell row 2 sets 10 reps
Barbell shrug 4 sets 20x15x12x10 reps
Day 6: Calves/Chest/Abs
Barbell incline bench 4 sets 10x8x8x6 reps
Incline dumbbell flyes 4 sets 10x8x8x8 reps
Dumbbell bench press 4 sets 10x8x8x6 reps
Butterfly 4 sets 10x8x8x8 reps
Upper cable crossover 3 sets 12x10x8 reps
Lower cable crossover 3 sets 12x10x8 reps
Decline barbell bench press 3 sets to failure
Dips 3 sets to failure
Working sets
Standing calf raises 2 sets 100×75 reps
Donkey calf raises 2 sets 50×25 reps
15 minutes free choice
Aesthetics Bodybuilding Basics:
Jeff along with Zyzz are both big livers of the aesthetics lifestyle, which is all about being functionally fit, looking dope and living life to the fullest.
If you want to live the all out bro lifestyle that aesthetics encompasses make sure to look into upgrading your clothes to look the part when not in the gym, and keep up a good acne care regimen to avoid the face and body acne that plagues hardcore gym goers.
Seid’s Bulking Diet & Workout for Off Season
Jeff recently published a sweet video where he documents exactly what he eats, drinks and works out when he’s trying to bulk up.
The whole foods are pretty impressive, as many big time bodybuilders like to say their gains are all the results of the supplement companies Jeff is clearly into his whole healthy foods an bulking up in a solid, sustainable way.
Check out his 2016 bulk video below in case you’re also looking to put on a few more pounds of mass:
Black Box Warning
You can see, this workout program isn’t a game. Seid has done serious stuff in a short amount of time. He’s young, he has energy, money, and the time to allocate this much effort to his body.
If you don’t have that, but still want to shred like Seid, you’ve gotta come up with an alternative. Cut down the calories (calorie cycling) on the days you work out. Go for a 4 – 5 day split.
Train hard and with passion. Then, and only then, can you get as ripped as Mr. Jeff Seid.